Monday, August 30, 2010

Book Review: Permission to Speak Freely

Recently, I have been captured by a new Thomas Nelson book written by Anne Jackson. It's title is PERMISSION TO SPEAK FREELY. The hook of the book is "What is one thing you feel you can't say in the church?" This question that Anne posed on a blog is what prompted her to write the book. There were countless responses to the question that she posed. Through several avenues, including essays and art, Jackson tackles the dilemma of the church being a "safe place of refuge" for broken, sinful people as compared to the very traditional, "got it all together", Sunday dress, best behavior kind of facade that many Christians portray. Anne, in fact, speaks very freely of her own life, her own hurts, bad choices, and many other personal topics that often make Church-people squirm. Biblical examples, personal examples, and testimonials from others are used throughout the book that encourage readers to be honest and transparent about their lives, their hurts, their addictions, their sin and other things that are often "shushed" by the church. I was refreshed by the author's transparency and authenticity. Since I am also the child of a pastor, it was quite easy for me to relate to the fear, distrust, and hurt is often propagated by the church when your father is the pastor! NOT FUN! Her premise is that as we believers become transparent and openly confess our brokenness and the messiness of our lives, it ministers by giving others what she calls "the ministry of going second", i.e. being first to open up gives permission and safety to others to be honest in regard to their brokenness and open up. Our "going first" begins a cycle of confession and begins the road to healing as our lives become an open book, of sorts, to others who relate to our realness. Anne Jackson courageously writes of this pathway to healing in her own life and challenges its readers to join her on the road to recovery. This is a quick and meaningful read that I think you will enjoy.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


JUNGLE WARFARE: A BASIC FIELD MANUAL FROM CHRISTIANS IN SALES is targeted toward people employed in sales, which grew out of ideas the author found from reading his grandfather's field manual from his days in the military. He found many parallels between working in sales and jungle warfare that are compelling and clever. The book is divided by daily segments into short reads that include a military concept, a passage of scripture, a prayer and an application question with space to journal. The author discusses practical topics, such as, ethics, sales strategies, moral compromise, dealing with competitors, failure, and balancing work with life. This book is a keeper for those who desire to maintain an active spiritual lifestyle while living and working in the "real world" of business. I found this to be a book that will never make the NY Times bestseller list; however, it is a motivational work that is worth reading. Give it a go!